The world in our hands A captivating collection of images from around the globe, mostly shot on film during Stefano’s first decade of work: from 1996 to 2005. These stunning visuals showcase our complex and sometimes contentious relation with other species and...
Svalbard reindeer Once hunted nearly to extinction, this subspecies – which is endemic to Svalbard – has rebounded substantially. But survival is hardly guaranteed | From the project ‘A family in the...
Svalbard – ‘Un Mondo Diverso’ One year in the archipelago of Svalbard to document how climate change is affecting the land, water and wildlife. From the book “Un mondo diverso”, a portrait of a vanishing world. |A National Geographic...
Lumholtz tree kangaroo Margit Cianelli and Dr. Karen Coombes are dedicating their life to save the unique and endangered Lumholtz tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus...
Kangaroo Controversy Kangaroos are the nation’s hopping icons. Now, Australia is debating about the large-scale killing and a booming commercial industry. Is killing them the solution? | A National Geographic Magazine...