In a recent National Geographic PROOF, Stefano said: “Wildlife is not just a species, but a group of individuals with their own personalities and their own specific behavior in the group. Some are more shy, more strong, more sad, more happy. If you start...
Heading to the remote Indonesian island of Rinca to photograph a modern-day dinosaur was all Stefano Unterthiner’s idea. A zoologist as well as a photographer, he says: “I have always been fascinated by working with the Komodo dragon. [The Komodo] is full of mystery.”...
Spotlight on – Stefano Unterthiner, Wildlife & Conservation Photographer, answers YOUR questions! By Liana Vitali, ARKive Education & Outreach Manager, Wildscreen USA A typical work day for many of us includes 8 hours toiling away in front of a computer...
An interview to Stefano about his currently assignment for National Geographic by the local TV news show (in Italian only). Stefano will spend most of 2013 working in the Gran Paradiso NP for this new story for the Magazine. ...
A long interview to Stefano, by Lello Piazzo, for the Italian Magazine FOTOgraphia. Click here, to download the pdf with the interview (in italian)....
Sunday 2nd of January 2011, Stefano talk at the italian TV show “Alle falde del Kilimangiaro” (Rai 3), about his new book “Gli angeli dell’inverno” and his long field work for the for National Greographic Magazine for the story on the...